On Friday, August 2, 2013, the US State Department published a travel warning, and in an unprecedented step, closed over twenty embassies. As expected, following the American warning other Western countries such as Great Britain, France, and Germany … [Read more...] about Backdoor Plots: The Darknet as a Field for Terrorism
The Futility of WMD Inspections
On September 12, Robert Einhorn, until recently a senior nuclear negotiator for the Obama administration appearing before the Atlantic Council chapter in Washington D.C., remarked casually that "President Obama's flexibility on Iran" will be affected … [Read more...] about The Futility of WMD Inspections
Is a “Tehran Moment” in Obama’s Future?
If it were not for Iran's former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Mullahs, Obama would have probably made a deal with Iran a long time ago. Now it seems that Washington's acceptance of Russia's scheme to dispose of Syria's chemical weapons is … [Read more...] about Is a “Tehran Moment” in Obama’s Future?
Obama Discovers American Exceptionalism
Among the welter of ironies concerning President Vladimir Putin's op/ed for The New York Times on the zigzaggingSyria crisis is that "Ras's" ghostwriter has--however haphazardly--touched on the fundamental issue. Given the arguments and syntax, I … [Read more...] about Obama Discovers American Exceptionalism
Meet the Next Peace Laureate
On September 12, two days before the announcement on the agreement between U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on a plan to destroy Syria's chemical weapons--an agreement that has yet to be approved by Bashar … [Read more...] about Meet the Next Peace Laureate
Northeastern Syria; The Kurdish Minority and The Oil Card
In a thought provoking essay titled "The P-Word" published in the American Thinker blog, Ben Cohen offers a précis of the history of a multi-ethnic multi-cultural Middle East. He suggests that a solution to the present Syrian cataclysm would be "to … [Read more...] about Northeastern Syria; The Kurdish Minority and The Oil Card
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Ongoing Violence in Cairo & Sinai
While the world's attention is on Obama's twists and turns on Syria, there are important developments in Egypt. It appears that the military, with help from Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states, is busy successfully suppressing the Muslim … [Read more...] about The Muslim Brotherhood’s Ongoing Violence in Cairo & Sinai
September 11, 2013 & Obama’s “Soft War” on Terrorism
It took only four-and-a-half years to undermine the stature of the U.S. as a superpower. This was achieved not by Osama bin Laden and the September 11, 2001, attacks on America, but by our "change"-seeking elected president. Squandering America's … [Read more...] about September 11, 2013 & Obama’s “Soft War” on Terrorism
Hold Your Horses!
The old cliché has it that history is written by the victors. But the victors' historians, too, are human. In an effort to write a narrative that the rest of us can follow, they pick up what we diginiks call a "thread". Until someone identifies a … [Read more...] about Hold Your Horses!
Iran Threatens Reprisals Against the U.S.
There seems to be no end to Western self-delusion when it comes to Iran. On September 4, President Hassan Rowhani allegedly sent Rosh Hashanna greetings to "all Jews, particularly Iranian Jews," on a defunct Twitter account. Shortly after, this was … [Read more...] about Iran Threatens Reprisals Against the U.S.