The American Center for Democracy is pleased to announce that Houston T. "Terry" Hawkins, Senior Fellow/Senior Scientist, Principal Associate Directorate for Global Security, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), New Mexico, has joined the ACD Board … [Read more...] about ACD Weekly Briefing April 5 – 11, 2014
ACD—Scientific and Policy Briefing on EMP Threats – 10 April 2014
The US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will meet in full committee today to consider “Keeping the lights on - Are we doing enough to ensure the reliability and security of the US electric grid?” ACD will broadly articulate and … [Read more...] about ACD—Scientific and Policy Briefing on EMP Threats – 10 April 2014
Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Reduce Cyber Risks to our Nation’s Critical Infrastructure
Testimony Before the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs March 26, 2014 Introduction Good morning Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Coburn, and distinguished Members of the Committee. I am pleased to appear … [Read more...] about Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Reduce Cyber Risks to our Nation’s Critical Infrastructure
On the State of the Confusion*
The State of the Union Address was notable in that it provided nothing new-and misrepresented a number of important matters. The President's threat to veto legislation calling for sanctions on Iran if they do not cease their development of nuclear … [Read more...] about On the State of the Confusion*
Initiatives to Limit EMP Threat
The United States' electric power grid is more vulnerable today to Electro Magnetic Pulse effects, either by a sun-burst or a high altitude nuclear explosion, than it was five decades ago. Indeed, on December 23, 2013, the Defense Threat Reduction … [Read more...] about Initiatives to Limit EMP Threat
Threat from the Gulf of Mexico
If you live near the Gulf of Mexico, you are the front line to an emerging existential threat to all Americans. The electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from a nuclear weapon exploded a hundred miles above the U.S. could kill 60-90 percent of all Americans. … [Read more...] about Threat from the Gulf of Mexico
Grid Ex II: An Exercise in Wishful Thinking
Like leaving a child with access to a supply of candy without a threat of disciplinary measures, the powers that be are permitting the nation’s electric power companies to ignore existential threats to the American people while conducting interesting … [Read more...] about Grid Ex II: An Exercise in Wishful Thinking