Two years ago, as then-secretary of State John Kerry was boasting in Davos about Obama’s deal with Iran, he acknowledged that some of the $150 billion given to the mullahs in Tehran “will end up in the hands of the IRGC or other entities, some of … [Read more...] about Investigate Obama’s and Kerry’s Unlawful Deals with Iran
Contributor: Rachel Ehrenfeld @American Thinker
Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Da’esh “Lite” in North America
Left: The famous mud-mosque in Mali, where al Qaeda has been active, has been used by Taha Ghayyur as an advertisement of his presentation at the Al-Falah Islamic Center as part of Black History Month - "Discover the Forgotten Legacy of African … [Read more...] about Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and Da’esh “Lite” in North America
Extreme Vetting – The Passover Lesson
Left: The Angel of Death passes by a household in this painting by Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld, 1794-1872. Anti-Trump, anti-American, anti-Israeli, and anti-Semitic propaganda or "fake news" relies on the general public’s vague familiarity with … [Read more...] about Extreme Vetting – The Passover Lesson
Obama’s Refugee Screening Default*
* The article was published in the American Thinker, on September 26, 2016. One hot-button issue in the first Presidential debate will be the Syrian and other refugees that are allowed into the country. The vetting process of asylum seekers for … [Read more...] about Obama’s Refugee Screening Default*