Money laundering and drug trafficking stretch from the streets to banks to the government. And it costs us. Read the Full Article … [Read more...] about Whither Colombia, America?
The Americas: Colombia Must End Flirtations With Drug Lord
Three years after a bomb destroyed a Colombian plane in flight -- killing all 110 passengers, including two U.S. citizens -- a U.S. attorney in New York has indicted Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar and one of his chief assassins for the murders. … [Read more...] about The Americas: Colombia Must End Flirtations With Drug Lord
The Real B.C.C.I. Agenda: Islam & Clark Clifford: B.C.C.I.Dupe or a ‘Face for Rent’? NYT, July & Aug 1992
WHEN Clark M. Clifford and Robert A. Altman were indicted on criminal charges stemming from their involvement with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International, most of the world's attention was focused on the financial issues. But while B.C.C.I. -- … [Read more...] about The Real B.C.C.I. Agenda: Islam & Clark Clifford: B.C.C.I.Dupe or a ‘Face for Rent’? NYT, July & Aug 1992
With Friends Like Syria…
The Bush Administration's courting of Syria to combat Saddam Hussein in Kuwait is already paying big dividends -- to Damascus. Read the Full Version of this Article … [Read more...] about With Friends Like Syria…
The Drug War In The Halls Of Justice
When President Bush decides to deliver another "War on Drugs" speech to the nation, it may not be necessary for the Drug Enforcement Agency to stage a drug buy at Lafayette Park. Perhaps all the president has to do is phone Attorney General Dick … [Read more...] about The Drug War In The Halls Of Justice
The Americas: Castro Is Shocked! Shocked! To Find Drug-Dealing Comrades
While "perestroika" makes headway in the Soviet Union and other East Bloc countries, and while Communist China is cleaning house in Beijing, "spring cleaning" is taking place in Havana. "The true revolution cannot leave unpunished those who violate … [Read more...] about The Americas: Castro Is Shocked! Shocked! To Find Drug-Dealing Comrades
The Narcotic-Terrorism Connection
"A growing narcotics network is only a part of an increased trend of international lawlessness," said Secretary of State George Shultz in a 1984 address to the Miami Chamber of Commerce. The Reagan administration is increasingly emphasizing the link … [Read more...] about The Narcotic-Terrorism Connection