Here are some of the statements made by Islamic Relief Worldwide on its official Facebook page:
June 22, 2017 – Islamic Relief Worldwide posted a video that features Canada’s prime minister Justin Trudeau packing boxes for Ramadan alongside Zaid Al Rawni, the CEO of Islamic Relief Canada and Mahmood Qasim, Head of Fund Development at Islamic Relief Canada. Islamic Relief Worldwide added the following statement: “Thank you Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau for joining our team at Islamic Relief Canada and supporting us in commemorating the spirit of Ramadan within the community #IRFamily 💙” (archive)
June 16, 2017 – Islamic Relief Worldwide shared Justin Trudeau’s Facebook post that read: “Fill em up! It was great to be with Islamic Relief Canada volunteers in my riding today, marking Ramadan by making food kits for Moisson Montréal.” (archive) Islamic Relief Worldwide added the following statement: “Yesterday, the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau joined our team at Islamic Relief Canada in packing boxes to give to a food bank in Montreal. We thank you for your support and helping to commemorate the spirit of Ramadan together!” (archive)
June 7, 2017 – “A short documentary on the unimaginable reality of famine and the incredible resilience and dignity of the Somali people, as witnessed firsthand by our staff at Islamic Relief Canada. Visit our website to find out how you can support the East Africa Appeal,” (archive)
August 13, 2012 – “For all our Canadian supporters – All donations to the Sahel (West Africa) Food Crisis will be matched $4$ by the Canadian Government. for more info see our IR [Islamic Relief] Canada website” (archive) (archive)
Islamic Relief Worldwide’s official report from June 2018 “Justice and Protection for Refugees: Building on the UN’s Global Compact” calls Islamic Relief Canada “our branch in Canada”: (archive)
“Canada is expecting to resettle 25,000 refugees from Syria. While Islamic Relief has been on the ground in Syria since 2011, our branch in Canada, the largest Muslim international development charity in the country, is also providing domestic assistance to incoming refugees in Canada. Our Refugee Resettlement Campaign, launched in 2015, supports community and settlement organisations across Canada to help refugees and has mobilized over 300 volunteers to secure services such as transportation, translation, housing, and employment. The programme has supported the arrival of over 500 Syrian refugee families.”