On April 3, 2018, Ibrahim Hindy, the imam of Dar Al-Tawheed Islamic Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, was interviewed by Newstalk 1010’s Jim Richards.
The following is an excerpt from the interview:
Jim Richards: Has your mosque ever been involved in one of the situations where perhaps a speaker, an Imam from another country was turned out to be a bit of an embarrassment for you guys?
Ibrahim Hindy: It did happen once. There was a request. Somebody came in to say, there’s a speaker, he’s from another country and he’s got these impressive credentials and can he come speak and, like I said, I’m one employee and I don’t have time to, like, check all his lectures, and actually that day my daughter was really sick and I took her to SickKids Hospital, she were there for a few weeks, and I didn’t even, I wasn’t even there. I didn’t meet this guy. Apparently, you know, he came, he gave a speech and, you know, he didn’t say anything really wrong in it, but then I found out later and I was embarrassed later that in other countries yet said things that really were anti-Semitic, not only anti-Semitic, a couple other things he said that were kind of hateful towards other countries and I had no idea, right, so I mean I felt embarrassed. I reach out to the Jewish community right after that cause I felt, I felt really bad about that, and you know it’s challenging, but we have to do better.
On December 13, 2016, Ibrahim Hindy posted (and later deleted the post) on his Facebook account the following:
“Join me tonight at Dar Al-Tawheed Islamic Centre after Isha prayers at 7PM. Shaykh Nash’at Ahmad, a well-known scholar from Egypt, will be speaking. I don’t know what the topic will be, as his arrival was made known to us last minute, but I’m sure that he will touch upon the recent tragedies in Aleppo.”
Dar Al-Tawheed Islamic Centre invited the pubic to Shaykh Nash’at Ahmad’s speech at the Centre on December 13, 2016 while providing the following background information about the Egyptian speaker:
Shaykh Nash’at Ahmad – Renowned Scholar from Egypt; – Student of Shaykh AbdulHameed Kishk, Shaykh Hassan Ayub and many others; Graduate from Al-Azhar in Usool al-Deen and from ‘Ain Shams in Qira’at. MA from American Open University in Islamic Studies. Current PHD candidate; Tazkiya from renowned scholars such as Muhammad Abdel-Maqsood and Muhammad Ismail al-Muqaddam.
According to Al Jazeera Center for Studies, Shaykh Nash’at Ahmad is affiliated with the Egyptian Salafi movement which was subjected to security restrictions and even arrest and trial in various cases related to fatwas, or Islamic edicts, urging the support of Mujahideen (Muslims who engage in jihad) in Palestine and justifying the 9/11 attacks.
The following are excerpts from Shaykh Nash’at Ahmad‘s sermons in Egypt (originally in Arabic):
January 6, 2016: “O Allah, destroy the Jews and whom they ally with… count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them.”
January 2, 2016: “[O Allah] give victory to our brother in Greater Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Burma, Mali, Yemen and other Muslim countries… O Allah, take revenge of the enemies of Your religion. O Allah, destroy the Jews and all others who support them in countries around the world… O Allah, destroy the Russians, Hindus, Shiites Communists, destroy all those who attacked the Muslims. O Lord, count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them. O Allah, purify the Muslims lands from their filth and squalor, O Allah liberate the imprisoned Al-Aqsa [mosque].”
October 5, 2016: “[O Allah] Destroy the Russians and purify the Muslim lands from their filth. O Lord, destroy all aggressors, including the Shiites, Bashr [Assad], Alawites and others. O Allah, destroy the the aggressors who are the Jews and those who support them… O Allah, they corrupted your land and You do not like the corruption… O Allah, purify the Muslim land from their filth and squalor. O Allah, purify imprisoned al-Aqsa [mosque] from their hands [of the Jews]. O Allah, restore the Caliphate [Islamic State] for the Muslims.”
April 6, 2016: “O Allah don’t give the infidel or the oppressor a way to overcome us… Destroy the Jews, the Christians, the Americans, the Europeans, the Shiites, the Communists, the Russians, the Hindus, the traitors, the oppressors and the criminals.”
October 26, 2016: “O Allah, return the Muslims countries to the Muslims and purify [the Muslim lands] from the filth of the infidels and the polytheists [also identified by Muslim scholars as Christians].”
Ibrahim Hindy to attend Niagara Muslim Family conference
The organizers of the Niagara Muslim Family conference on April 14, 2018 announced that Ibrahim Hindy among other imams and Muslim community leaders confirmed his participation at the event which will feature the Egyptian imam and scholar Omar Abdelkafy as the keynote speaker.
On March 31, 2018 the organizers posted the following:
Our Keynote speaker will be Sh. Omar AbdulKafi! Omar Abd al-Kafi (Arabic: عمر عبد الكافي) (born 1951) is an Egyptian writer, professor, Islamic theologian, and manager of (Dubai International Holy Quran Award Islamic Studies Center). He is famous in the Arab world. He wrote many Islamic books, he also made more than 3000 sound lectures and hundreds of TV lectures since the 1970s.
The following are excerpts from Sh. Omar AbdulKafi posts on Facebook (originally in Arabic):
July 21, 2017 – “O Allah, the Jews have gone astray and therefore show us the wonders of Your might and ability inflicted upon them.”
November 20, 2016 – “O Allah, liberate Al Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews the aggressors.”
December 11, 2017 – “O Allah, we complain to you about the Jews, as they can not escape you, O the mighty of the heavens and the earth. O Allah, count their number; slay them one by one and spare not one of them… Liberate Al Aqsa Mosque from the filth of Jews the aggressors…”
October 10, 2015 – “O Allah, give them victory over the Jews the aggressors… O Allah, let them hit their targets and show us actions against the Jews that will satisfy our breasts [meaning make us content].”
September 19, 2015 – “O Allah, our people in Gaza are oppressed, so help them, and anguished, so bring them relief. O Allah, humiliate the Jews everywhere, destroy them with their plans and kill them with their weapons.”
September 13, 2015 – Al-Aqsa Mosque. Allah is sufficient for me, Most Excellent is He in whom I trust. O Allah, give victory (support) to the third holiest site [in Islam, meaning Al-Aqsa Mosque] and the first qibla in [Islam, meaning Al-Aqsa Mosque]. O Allah, destroy the Zionists. O Allah, protect our people in Palestine. O Allah, take revenge of the Jews and their assistants. O Allah, we ask you to give us victory soon…”
July 14, 2014 – “…O Allah give victory to the Mujahideen [Muslims fighters in the path of Allah] around the world. O Allah, liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque from the filth of the Jews, the monkeys, the pigs…”
Undated – Sh. Omar AbdulKafi quoted the following hadith about the future fate of the Jews: “The Hour will not begin until you fight the Jews, until a Jew will hide behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: ‘O Muslim, O slave of Allah, here is a Jew behind me; come and kill him, but the tree Gharqad [a kind of thorny tree] would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.”