The Canadian branch of the international Islamic organization Hizb ut-Tahrir is planning to hold its Annual Rajab Conference at 1275 Mississauga Valley Blvd, Mississauga, ON on Saturday, April 14, 2018 at 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM.
The event will probably will take place at the City of Mississauga’s largest Community Centre, Valley Community Centre, which is located at the same address.
According to Hizb ut-Tahrir Canada’s official statement, the conference will discuss the following questions:
What ever happened to the Arab revolutions?
Why is Syria still burning?
Why is Egypt still under tyranny? Why, why, why!?
What does this have to do with a Khilafah idea which is old and nice but Mahdi is gonna come and fix it?

Hizb ut-Tahrir Canada calls for the establishment of the global Islamic State, the Caliphate, and the implementation of the Islamic Law, the Sharia. Its leaders, including in Canada, urge the Muslim armies to topple the current “corrupt” regimes in order to pave the way for uniting the Muslim world under the banner of the Caliphate.
“The Islamic system, through its revealed solutions to human problems – both individual and collective, is the only way to liberate mankind from the oppression of men to the Divine Justice of Allah. The loss of the Khilafah was a loss to both the Muslims and non-Muslims,” stated Hizb ut-Tahrir Canada. “If anything, this day [Remembrance Day] should be a reason to increase our efforts to resume the Islamic way of life by re-establishing the rightly-guided Khilafah in the Muslim lands, according to the method of the Prophet [Mohammad].”
On April 2, 2018 “Toronto Muslims – News and Prayer Times” Facebook page posted the following:
HT Canada is inviting the entire Muslim Community to their Annual Conference on April 14, 2018 (Saturday) between 3:30 PM and 5:30 PM at 1275 Mississauga Valley Blvd in Mississauga, Ontario. Admission is free. Kindly put a morning reminder in your digital calendar the day of.
Comment from a local community member:
HT is a peaceful and global Islamic organization that calls for the unity of Muslims under an Islamic polity.
Regardless of what one thinks of HT, no one can deny the good they have done by the permission of Allah SWT, especially when it comes to spreading awareness surrounding concepts that are instrinsic to our Deen.
HT is focused on the revival of the Muslims’ social, economic, and political identity. Our Ummah today is still recovering from colonization of its lands in the last century. And just as equally valid, the Ummah is grappling with the colonization of our hearts & minds, a war of ideas.
HT has served as an important ideological front for the Ummah. They have been instrumental to deconstructing ideas being thrust upon Muslim, including: secularism, liberalism, nationalism, individualism, hedonism, capitalism, perennialism, atheism, etc.
Every Islamic organization/movement will always have strengths, skills, and areas of improvement. Over the years, the Muslims behind HT have always tried to remain honest, dignified, and unapologetic in their approach.
We need to work together as a team and as a community to understand where our dignity and honor come from, and where it does not come from. You are welcome to engage HT Canada during their Q&A period, and we hope that the community can come together, learn from each other, respect and love each other, regardless of our differences.
At the end of the day, it is not about a label, receiving credit, or personalities. But it’s about our love and allegiance to the the truth, and our love and allegiance to La Ilaha IllAlllah, Muhammadur RasulAllah.